5 Tips for Organizing a Successful Virtual Training Session

Virtual training sessions have become increasingly popular in recent years, as businesses and individuals seek ways to improve their skillset and learn new things without leaving the comfort of their own homes.

Not only are they convenient for employees, but they're also a more beneficial way to deliver training sessions for employers. In fact, one study found that virtual training is more cost effective than traditional training methods, and it can be delivered quickly and easily. So if you're looking to provide your employees with the best possible training, a virtual training session is an ideal solution.

However, making a virtual training session a success can be tricky. In this post, we will share five tips that will help you make the most of your upcoming virtual training session.

What is a Virtual Training Session?

a woman using a laptop

A virtual training session is a type of online course that allows you to complete the course from anywhere in the world. Thanks to technology, it's now possible for businesses to offer their employees access to exciting new training programs without actually having them travel to classes or spend time in a classroom setting. Virtual training sessions allow individuals who are already working full-time and have demanding schedules, an opportunity to learn valuable skills at their own pace.

Why are Businesses Opting for Virtual Training Sessions?

A virtual training session can provide several benefits for businesses. Here are just a few:

1. Increases Efficiency

By conducting training sessions online, companies can save on the cost of transportation, accommodation, and other expenses associated with attending an in-person meeting. They also avoid disruptions caused by attendance patterns that vary from person to person.

2. Enhances Communication Skills

A virtual training session allows participants to communicate without having to face each other directly. This allows them to exchange information more efficiently and effectively than if they were working together in person.

3. Increases Productivity 

Employees who attend a virtual training program tend to achieve higher levels of performance than those who do not because they can learn at their own pace and work independently while remaining connected with the company as a whole.

4. Reduces Costs

A virtual training program can often be less expensive than arranging an in-person meeting, and it doesn't require employees to travel or time away from their work. 

Five Ideas to Host a Successful Virtual Training Session

a virtual training session on a laptop

Looking to host a successful virtual training session? Here are five ideas that can help! Whether you're a business owner looking to open up new markets or an instructor looking to increase student enrollment, these tips will help make your events a success. So why wait? Get started today and see the impact that virtual training sessions can have on your business!

1. Keep Your Target Audience in Mind

Designing a training session that is effective for your target audience takes careful research. Not only does this ensure that the content of the session is relevant and engaging, but it also allows you to design sessions specifically designed to help learners achieve their goals.

  • What are the most common skills or knowledge required to do the job? 
  • What types of problems do practitioners encounter on a regular basis?
  • Once you have an understanding of what needs to be covered in your training session, start by identifying who will be best suited to participate. 
  • Are there specific groups within your target market that would benefit from additional education or skill development? 
  • Do you have any employees who could use refresher courses on current topics?

Once you have answers to all these questions, you’ll be able to cater to your target audience in an effective way through the training plan. With Oreed’s event management platform, you gain 360-degree audience understanding through its centralized database which provides you with accurate information about the attendees of the training session. 

2. Define Training Goals

What are your goals for the training session? There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the success of a training session depends on the specific goals that are set for it. 

However, some general tips that can be useful in setting training goals include: 

  • Define what you hope to learn from the training. This will help you decide which topics should be covered and how they should be structured.
  • Make sure all participants understand what they need to know in order to accomplish the objectives of the program. If there are any areas where people feel unsure or uncomfortable, provide adequate instruction and guidance so everyone can complete the program successfully.
  • Create a timeline for completing the training courses/events, and track progress along the way. This will allow you to determine whether or not planned outcomes have been achieved, and make necessary adjustments if necessary.
  • Continue assessing your employees' skills throughout the course of a training session in order to identify areas that need further improvement (and potential opportunities for growth).

3. Create a Plan for Training

Too often, trainers try to wing it when it comes to training. They jump into sessions without a plan or any intention of seeing them through to their completion. This approach is not only risky, but it also means that the trainer may not receive the desired results. 

It is essential to come up with a plan for training to achieve the set goals. This involves identifying which methods will work best for you and your participants and setting realistic expectations for both yourself and your students/clients/trainees. 

Once you have finalized a plan for training (including any necessary resources), it's time for execution! Make sure everyone knows what they need to do before beginning the training session - this will help avoid last-minute chaos and make everything run smoother overall.

4. Make Recorded Sessions Accessible

It is essential to make recorded sessions accessible for the participants to conduct a successful training session. If your recorded sessions are not available online or on a mobile device, then you will lose participation and engagement from your trainees. This may also lead to missed opportunities for learning and organizational development within the organization.

Oreed's LMS is a powerful platform that lets you centrally store and manage recorded sessions, making it easy for participants to access and review them at any time. This makes it easy to troubleshoot and address any issues that may have arisen during the session and ensures that everyone has access to the information they need to learn from it.

5. Incorporate Gamification 

There's no doubt that incorporating gamification into your training can be a very effective way to engage and motivate participants. Gamification techniques can help increase participant engagement, motivation, and performance. 

By adding excitement and challenge to your training sessions, you can give people the tools they need to achieve their goals. 

There are a few key things to keep in mind when designing games or implementing gamification: 

  • Make sure the game is fun and easy to play for everyone. If it's too difficult or time-consuming, fewer people will want to participate.
  • Choose games that are relevant to the subject matter of your training session. For example, if you're teaching how to use Photoshop, make sure the game involves editing images. This will add value and relevance for participants who are learning about this topic.
  • Be careful not to overuse gamification techniques - they can start feeling gimmicky or robotic after a while. Instead, find just the right amount of pushiness (without being overly challenging) so that people feel motivated but still able to control their own progressions

If you’re unsure about the best gamification features for your training sessions, sign up for Oreed and incorporate our exciting gamification features into your training. We have something for everyone!

Conduct Your Virtual Training Session With Oreed

a woman taking notes while watching a virtual training session

Are you looking to run a virtual training session for your employees, but don't know where to start? Oreed's event management platform can help! Our platform makes it easy for businesses of all sizes to organize and manage training sessions online. Plus, our user-friendly interface makes the process straightforward and efficient.

Oreed is a valuable asset for businesses that want to offer customized training sessions and courses to their attendees. The platform offers several features that make it ideal for this task. 

  • Firstly, the system is designed to facilitate smooth communication between attendees and trainers. 
  • Secondly, the platform provides an overall better ROI for training programs than traditional methods such as paper documents or online discussion forums. Oreed's tracking capabilities allow hosts to gauge the effectiveness of their training program more accurately. 
  • Finally, the system keeps everyone connected throughout the entire training session – so there are no missed points or important conversations lost in translation!

So, what are you waiting for? Promote lifelong learning through Oreed by experiencing the most powerful all-in training and development intelligent platform that streamlines all your organization learning, training and development activities in one place. 

Contact us today for more details and make your upcoming virtual training session a success!

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