A Beginner’s Guide to Corporate Event Planning in 2022

Corporate events can be a great way to connect with employees, showcase the company's culture, and build morale. From setting up the venue to catering to marketing and advertising, corporate event planning is a complex process that has multiple moving parts that have to be brought together. 

Welcome to our guide on corporate event planning in 2022! In this article, we will teach you everything you need to know to plan a successful event. We will cover topics such as event planning basics, budgeting for events, and choosing the right venue. 

We will also provide tips on how to plan an event that will be memorable and exciting for your attendees. So let's get started with the corporate event planning guide! 

What is a Corporate Event?

corporate event

Before diving into the corporate event planning process, it is essential to understand what a corporate event is. A corporate event is a special occasion that your business hosts to celebrate or commemorate something important. 

Corporate events can be anything from a team-building exercise for employees, to a charity ball for the community, to an anniversary celebration. They can also serve as an opportunity to introduce new products or services to customers and partners, or simply provide fun and entertainment for staff and guests.

Types of Corporate Events

There are a variety of types of corporate events. Here are some of the most common corporate event ideas. 

  1. Product launches are often the most exciting because they involve revealing new information to interested parties. They can also be very lucrative for businesses, as the launch of a successful product can lead to an increase in sales and shareholder value.
  2. Company meetings offer an opportunity for managers to get updated on current affairs, share ideas, and make decisions together. 
  3. Fundraising events allow companies to raise money from private investors or the public market. They also provide valuable networking opportunities for business leaders. 
  4. Team building exercises help employees learn how to work collaboratively as a unit, improve communication skills, and build working relationships that will last long into the future.

Which type of event is best suited for your business? It depends on what you're looking for! Sometimes it's helpful to think about what you want your participants to achieve (i.e., making more sales or strengthening team cohesion). Once you have a clear idea in mind, it will be easier to choose which type of event is right for you.

Tips to Facilitate a Successful Corporate Event Planning in 2022

employees socializing at an event

Organizing a corporate event can be a daunting task, but with the right planning and corporate event management, it can be an incredibly rewarding experience for both your employees and your company. Here are some corporate event planning tips to help make your upcoming event a success.

1. Set Measurable Goals

Without a clear vision of what you want your event to accomplish, it's very difficult to create an event that achieves its objectives.

Here are some tips for setting goals for your upcoming events that you need to keep in mind from a corporate event management perspective: 

  • Define your mission or purpose behind hosting the event. What do you hope to gain from staging this particular affair? Is there anything specific that you would like participants to learn or experience? Why does this matter to you?
  • Consider who will benefit from attending your event. Who in your organization needs information, training, or networking opportunities most urgently? Who will be spending time with whom during the course of the evening? Make sure all stakeholders have an opportunity to participate in the planning and execution of the entire affair!
  • Think critically about timing and pacing. How long should each presentation last? Should interactive activities be scheduled at specific times throughout the night, or can they continue until everyone has had their fill? How much downtime should participants enjoy between sessions?

Once you have all the goals set, it would be easier to align your planning in the right direction. 

2. Understand Your Target Audience

To create a successful corporate event, it is important to understand your target audience. Who are they, what do they want, and how can you cater to their needs? Once you have an understanding of your audience, it will be much easier to design an event that meets their expectations. 

Centralized data is key to success when it comes to hosting an event according to the target audience. By gathering user information through a centralized system, you can design your event better to reach your target audience. Virtual event hosting platforms such as Oreed make this process easy and convenient. 

Once you've partnered with Oreed, we will provide you with all the necessary information about your target audience (gender, age range, interests, etc). This data would then be ideal for designing targeted content and promotional material for your upcoming event. Now that you understand the target market, it is time to send corporate event invites.

3. Incorporate Online Registration Options

Once you've sent out the corporate event invites, enable online registration for the event to make sure that everyone who wants to attend can do so. By allowing attendees to register online, you will be able to manage attendance more securely and track the number of people who have registered. You will also be able to keep track of any special requests or changes that may need to be made due to increased demand. 

With Oreed's virtual event management platform, you can easily and securely register your attendees online. This eliminates the need for them to come in person, which saves time and hassle on your part. and allows you to take advantage of advanced registration features that will make the process even easier for them. Additionally, logging in participants' relevant information directly into our system will help ensure a smooth and efficient event experience for all.

4. Take the Virtual Route

A corporate event can be a great way to connect with your employees and celebrate important milestones. However, hosting a traditional in-person meeting can be challenging for a number of reasons. Not everyone is able to attend in person, and the cost of travel often puts a damper on budgets.

Virtual corporate events offer an alternative that is both convenient and affordable - perfect for businesses who want to host an event but don't have enough space or budget for a physical one.

But hosting a virtual event can be challenging, especially if you're not familiar with event management software. That's where Oreed comes in! Our platform makes it easy for businesses of all sizes to host successful virtual events - from small gatherings to large conferences.

5. Evaluate Your Results

After an event is complete, it's important to evaluate the results to see if everything went as planned. This evaluation can help you make any necessary adjustments before your next event, and can also provide valuable insights that you can use in future planning.

There are a few different methods that you can use for evaluating your corporate event's results. 

  • Examine social media posts and comments to determine how people reacted to the event's content and style. Were they engaged? Did they have fun? What themes did they seem interested in?
  • Analyze attendance numbers at the door or online registration system. Was there a desired turnout? Did everyone who was supposed to attend show up? How many people registered through online registration versus at the door?
  • Consider reviews from previous clients or attendees of similar events. Are these reviews positive or negative (and why)? Can you learn anything from them that will improve your upcoming events?

With Oreed's event management platform, you can access detailed event analytics to help you better assess your event's results. This information can help you identify areas in which you need to improve and make necessary changes so that your next event is even more successful. 

By understanding what went well and what didn't during your last event, you'll be able to create a more innovative and effective plan for the one ahead.

Plan a Successful Corporate Event With Oreed

oreed logo

Are you looking for a way to organize a successful corporate event? Oreed's event management platform can help! Our platform is designed to streamline the process of planning and executing an event, from start to finish. We make it easy for you to keep track of everything happening during your event without having to waste time manually logging everything yourself. We offer a wide range of features that make organizing events easier than ever before. 

Here are some of the main features offered by Oreed.

  1. Online event registration
  2. Digital payment processing
  3. Gamification
  4. Certificates and accreditations generation
  5. Access to event analytics

Promote lifelong learning through Oreed by experiencing the most powerful all-in training and development intelligent platform that streamlines all your organization’s learning, training, and development activities in one place. 

So what are you waiting for? Start planning your next successful corporate event today! Contact us today to learn more about how we can help take your business or organization beyond expectations!

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