Top 3 Hybrid Event Training Courses and Certifications

Hybrid event training has become popular since companies have started to develop an interest in highly engaging ways to hold events with both virtual and in-person aspects. With this wave of new ways to engage audiences, hybrid events have become an ideal choice for corporations. Event management is now looking at innovative ways to engage as much of their target circle as possible while using technology to enhance their event experience. 

This has also paved the way for an interesting concept of holding a training event on the corporate level and virtual event training on a personal level. If the guides for how to organize a hybrid event are not working for you then we suggest diving into some training courses and certifications. But first, let's take a look at how hybrid events have shaped the events over the years. 

How hybrid events have become the future of event management: 

Hybrid event training

Hybrid events are not a new concept. The pandemic has practically changed all aspects of how businesses were conducting events. From entirely virtual events, many have shifted to hybrid events which help the event organizers get the best of both worlds. If you are already well versed in virtual event training and want to look into hybrid event training then we imagine you're already aware of the virtues of hybrid events. 

As a seamless collaboration between technology and engaging with your live audience without making it seem like you are playing a video for them, hybrid events can help you achieve the perfect middle ground. 

You are supposed to create a space for both your live and virtual audience to collaborate and engage with your activities planned. The audience journey is central to how your activities should be planned where it gives them an opportunity to network as well. Studies have shown that at least 23% of event organizers are experiencing better participation and attendance rate with hybrid events. 

Speaking of better engagement, there are platforms like Oreed which help event managers with managing attendance, their online platform, their sponsors, integrating their online conferencing tools, and other tasks as well. When your audiences are in sync and communicate together for, let’s say a Q&A session, there are better chances of a fruitful outcome for both kinds of audiences. 

With hybrid events, you are also opening more doors for sponsors. With better reach through live and virtual audiences, sponsors see a much larger pool to market their products. Moreover, sponsors can do more with their partnerships where they strictly do not have to stick to virtual activities like live streams or a live booth. 

Another important factor is how virtual events reduce the stress of arranging travel for your attendees and arranging hotel accommodations, etc. Not only will you but your attendees will be saving money as well. Hybrid events are also ideal for your marketing channels because you can share your recorded content on your social media as snippets. Also, due to high scalability and more global reach, hybrid events have a better return on investment as compared to live events. This is mostly because you can scale your live event even with a limited audience in person. 

All in all, hybrid event training is all about learning how you can reap the most benefits of hybrid events. Now that we have established how high-value hybrid events are in terms of reducing travel budgets, and increased marketing, and networking opportunities, it is time to look at what courses you can learn from. 

If you’re a company looking for the right hybrid event training courses to dive into the nitty-gritty of how to organize a hybrid event then you've come to the right place. 

Here are the top three hybrid event training courses and certifications 

1. Hybrid and Virtual Event Director certificate 

The Hybrid and Virtual Event Director certificate is developed for professionals who are working on site and how to learn how things are done virtually. Basically, if you’re looking to enhance your technical knowledge regarding virtual and hybrid event management. This course is designed under the premise that managing and designing a hybrid and virtual event needs more technical work. 

This multi channel course is focused on developing an understanding of production related aspects of hybrid and virtual events. This certification is helpful for those who want to learn how all of the technology will come together for a hybrid event. Developing show flow documents to managing production timelines, there is learning for all of these aspects. Moreover, this course also focuses on preparing backup plans in case of a hazard and how to engage vendors in making this event successful. 

As we have mentioned before, this program is ideal for those planners who have some basic understanding of event management. They just lack the technical knowledge as a producer. It is highly recommended that students study the basic concepts and terminologies related to multi channel events before signing up for this event. 

This course also offers other resources beyond the curriculum which includes online class meetings for students to engage in questioning with industry experts. These live scheduled classes are especially helpful if you want hybrid events in real time. Moreover, another resource includes a peer based community forum for better ways to network with a community of event management experts and professionals. This program costs $395 for non members and $316 for ELI/MPI members. 

2. Virtual Events Institute Skills Certification 

The Virtual Events Institute Skills certification focuses on giving its students the right knowledge and information to successfully plan and execute live and virtual events. Keep in mind that this program is specifically for professionals who already have some sort of industry knowledge on how to conduct events. 

This program expands on how virtual events are planned and executed. Their curriculum focuses on distinguishing between live and virtual events. It focuses on the factors that make virtual events more effective and how it makes them unique. Moreover, learners also focus on the areas like the use of digital platforms, virtual sponsorships and vendors etc. Basically this program focuses on the key aspects of virtual events. 

In this program, attendees also learn and develop a virtual event plan which focuses on how much the return on investment will be while also gauging how immersive the experience will be for the participants. This program is a part of the Meeting Professionals International otherwise known as MPI where you can show this certification as a proof of your knowledge in virtual event management. 

This course is six weeks long and the course is divided into focus on introduction to virtual events, marketing channels, developing an event program, data analytics, security, and actually developing a virtual event plan. The cost of this program for non members is $695 and for ELI/MPI members is $556 only. 

3. GWU professional certificate in event management 

The GW School of Business Professional Certificate in event management is designed for those who want to learn how to run successful events. This program can be taken in person or through online classes. Moreover, this is a non degree program and only offers a certificate as opposed to a certification. This program is right for you if you are looking to improve and enhance your skills as an event manager and are always handed over with event management related responsibility in your organization. 

There are certain requirements you need to fulfill if you're looking to sign up for this program. As this program is designed to be taken by professionals and mid career experts who are already working, it is extremely flexible. Although this course does not entirely focus on hybrid events, it  offers different elective courses which focus on virtual event management. As compared to other courses, you can control the trajectory of your course once you are down with the required courses. This includes options for meeting and conferences, corporate event management, wedding planning, event production, and post pandemic event strategy as well as production. The program fees for this course depend on the core course bundle which is $1,995 and the other bundle for elective course which is $1500.  

Here’s what Oreed can do for your virtual and online events 

Hybrid event training

Once you are done with learning from any of these hybrid event training courses, you would want to try an LMS for managing your hybrid events. Similar to a CRM, Oreed is used for all activities related to running a virtual event. From the full registration process for attendees, their attendance, sponsors, running marketing activities, analytics regarding your event, and also streamlining the ticketing process. 

If you are looking for a platform that will centralize our data so you do not have to use multiple platforms and can correctly implement your learnings then contact us today!

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