5 Event Promotion Ideas for 2023

Event promotion is essential for any event - whether it's a small business conference, an important trade show, or a big local festival. Without effective event promotion ideas, your event may not be as successful as you hoped. 

2023 is a big year for events - there are celebrations happening all over the world! Whether you're planning an anniversary or corporate event, or just want to add some excitement to your life, there are plenty of event promotion ideas to choose from. 

In this blog post, we'll show you some of the most popular event promotion ideas that you can use to attract customers. So whether you're looking for ideas for a conference, webinar, or something more special, we've got you covered!

Why is Event Promotion Essential?

event promotion essentials

Before we dive into event promotion ideas, it is important to understand the significance of event promotion. Event promotion is one of the most important aspects of successful marketing. It's the process of helping your target audience discover and attend your events, seminar, or conference.

There are a number of reasons why event promotion is so important:

1. Event promotion can be a great way to reach potential customers who may not have heard about your product or service yet. 

By holding an event, you can give people the opportunity to learn more about what you offer and see how it could benefit their lives. You also get the chance to connect with potential clients in person, which can build trust and future business relationships.

2. Event promotion ideas can be extremely effective when it comes to increasing attendance at your events. By attracting new participants, you not only increase the number of people who are aware of your event, but you also provide them with opportunities to learn more and join in on the fun.

3. It is an essential part of running a successful event. Not only does it help you sell tickets, but it also generates word-of-mouth advertising that benefits both you and your attendees long after the event has ended.

Promoting an event effectively requires planning and dedication - but it's definitely worth it in 

terms of ROI (return on investment). If you're ready to take your marketing to the next level, then start promoting events today!

Top Five Event Promotion Ideas

colorful lightbulb

Looking for some event promotion ideas? Look no further! In this section, we'll provide you with a variety of tips and strategies that can help you get the most out of your events. From budget-friendly ideas to unique methods of marketing, we have everything you need to make your events a success. So let's get started!

1. Leverage Social Media Marketing

Start by creating an event promotion timeline. Once you have an event promotion timeline at hand, you can start off your promotional campaign through social media marketing. Event promotion on social media is one of the most effective ways to promote your event. Not only does it allow you to reach a large audience quickly, but it also allows you to generate buzz and build excitement around your event. In fact, event promotion on social media is now considered standard practice for many businesses. 

Here are some tips on how to make the most of social media promotion for your upcoming event:

  • Start early! Plan your launch months in advance and start planning posts well in advance. This will help you create content that is fresh and engaging, and avoid posting outdated or irrelevant information.
  • Use images! Images are critical when promoting an event online because they can capture people's attention quickly and motivate them to click through to learn more about the event. Graphics play a big role in Facebook marketing as well, so be sure to use high-quality visuals when promoting your events there as well.
  • Write compelling copy! Your goal should not just be generating awareness; you want visitors to actually want to attend your event. Headlines that inspire curiosity rather than rouse suspicion will usually work better than those that merely list the details of the event. Be personal with your writing - after all, readers will connect more easily with content written by someone they know or trust (especially if you're targeting local audiences). 
  • Monitor analytics closely! Keep track of who is clicking away from your posts, what types of social media shares they generate, and whether any promotional ads appear alongside or not.

Use these tips for effective social media promotion and make your upcoming event a success! 

2. Offer Early Bird Discounts

Offering early bird discounts can be a great way to attract potential attendees to your event. It will promote excitement and interest in the event, and can also lead to increased ticket sales. There are a few things you need to consider when offering early bird discounts, such as how often you plan on releasing new discount codes, how large the discount should be, and what conditions must be met in order for the code to work.

think about how many people might want or need to buy tickets before your actual public release date. 

To make registration convenient for attendees, you can partner with Oreed’s event management platform to enable online registrations. With Oreed’s online registration feature, not only will you attract attendees to sign up for the event but also keep track of the total number of attendees and their demographics.

3. Enable Digital Payment Processing

Enabling digital payment processing is a popular way for online event promotion. By accepting digital payments through services like PayPal or Stripe, you can gain access to a large pool of potential ticket buyers. This way, you can ensure that everyone who wants to purchase tickets has the opportunity to do so without having to go through any additional hassle. 

Additionally, by using these platforms as your primary payment gateway, you will also be able to keep track of all transactions and manage customer interactions more effectively. At Oreed, we enable our clients to collect payments digitally to ensure event promotion and secure transactions.

4. Focus on Ad Retargeting

Online event promotion can be a lot of work, but it's definitely worth it if you want to generate successful results. But how do you target the right audience with effective ads?

One way to achieve targeted ad campaigns is through retargeting. Retargeting allows businesses to customise their ads and advertisements based on the behaviour of customers who have already been engaged with their brand or product. 

This means that your ads will reach people who are likely to be interested in what you have to offer - even after they've left your site or stopped interacting with you! With Oreed’s event management platform, hosts can target their desired target segment effectively as we provide centralized attendees' data when they register through our platform. 

Retargeting also has another advantage: It helps businesses build relationships with potential customers by constantly reminding them about what you have for sale. In this way, retargeting can help promote sales and loyalty among current customers!

5. Design Exciting Video Content

Video content is one of the most powerful tools for promoting events. It can be used to reach a wide audience quickly and easily, without requiring them to leave their desktops or visit your website regularly. And because videos are such an engaging format, audiences are much more likely to stay focused on the message while watching it.

To create videos that promote your events effectively, follow these tips: 

  • Start with an idea or concept that you want viewers to understand or relate to. This might be something personal (like a story about how your event has helped someone in his/her life), something cultural (sharing insights about your upcoming theme), or simply relating key features of your event (such as what time it starts). 
  • Select footage that clearly illustrates this point - using strong visuals makes sure that all points made in the video are understood by everyone who watches it. 
  • Create clear captions for each graphic image so those with low vision can still fully enjoy the video clip. 
  • Choose music specifically designed for marketing purposes - upbeat tracks will encourage viewer engagement while calming sounds will help reduce anxiety levels before and during an event.

Deliver all Your Promises With Oreed

oreed logo

Event management is one of the most important aspects of any business. It's the part of your operation that allows you to bring in new customers, generate revenue, and build your brand. But managing an event can be daunting - especially if you're not familiar with the process or don't have adequate resources available. That's why we offer our Event Management Platform - a suite of tools that makes it easy for you to deliver on all your promises.

Our platform includes: 

  • A registration system that helps you manage registrations smoothly and efficiently.
  • A certificate and accreditation generation system that lets you create custom certificates and seals quickly and easily.
  • An online ticketing system that makes it easy for attendees to purchase tickets from within the platform.

And much more!  Promote lifelong learning through Oreed by experiencing the most powerful all-in training and development intelligent platform that streamlines all your organisation's learning, training and development activities in one place. 

Contact us today to learn more about how our platform can help your business reach its goals!

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