The Key Benefits of Virtual Instructor Led Training

In today's fast-paced business world, virtual instructor led training (VILT) has become an increasingly popular method for employee development. 

Virtual instructor led training offers a flexible and cost-effective way to provide high-quality training to employees, regardless of their location. 

With the rise of remote work, VILT has become even more important as organizations seek to provide their employees with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed. 

In this article, we will explore the key benefits of VILT and why it is an effective tool for employee development.

What Is Virtual Instructor Led Training?

Virtual Instructor Led Training

Virtual Instructor Led Training (VILT) is a type of training that takes place online, using video conferencing software and other virtual tools. 

VILT allows trainers to deliver live training sessions to participants in different locations, regardless of their physical distance from each other. 

The trainer and the participants can interact with each other in real-time, just as they would in a traditional classroom setting. 

VILT sessions are usually led by an experienced instructor who can deliver high-quality training and provide feedback to participants. 

This approach to training has become increasingly popular as more and more organizations are looking for ways to provide cost-effective and flexible training options for their employees, especially in light of the rise of remote work.

Key Benefits Of VILT

 Key Benefits Of VILT

It offers numerous benefits to organizations looking to provide high-quality training to their employees. 

Here are some of the key benefits of VILT:

1. Flexibility And Accessibility 

VILT allows participants to access training sessions from any location with an internet connection. 

This makes it easier for employees to fit training into their busy schedules, and it eliminates the need for travel and accommodation expenses. 

Participants can also access training sessions from different time zones, which makes it easier for organizations with employees in different locations to provide consistent training.

2. Increased Engagement

VILT sessions are typically led by experienced trainers who are able to create an interactive and engaging learning environment. 

Participants can ask questions, interact with other participants, and receive immediate feedback from the trainer. 

This type of interaction helps to keep participants engaged and motivated throughout the training session, leading to better learning outcomes.

3. Improved Knowledge Retention

Because VILT sessions are delivered in a live, interactive format, participants are more likely to retain the information they learn. 

Participants can ask questions and receive immediate feedback, which helps them to better understand and retain the material. 

VILT sessions also allow participants to revisit the training materials after the session, which can further reinforce learning.

4. Cost-Effective

VILT is a cost-effective training option for organizations. It eliminates the need for travel and accommodation expenses, and it can be delivered to a large number of participants at once. 

This makes it an ideal training option for organizations with employees in different locations.

5. Customizable Content

VILT sessions can be customized to meet the specific needs of an organization or team. 

This means that trainers can focus on the topics and skills that are most relevant to the participants, ensuring that the training is more effective.

Overall, VILT is an effective and flexible training option that offers numerous benefits to organizations and their employees. 

By providing high-quality training that is engaging, accessible, and customizable, organizations can help their employees to develop the skills and knowledge they need to be successful in their roles.

Virtual Training Best Practices

Virtual Training Best Practices

Virtual training has become increasingly popular as more and more organizations move towards remote work and seek to provide cost-effective and flexible training options for their employees. 

However, it requires a different set of best practices compared to in-person training. 

Here are some virtual training best practices that trainers can follow to ensure a successful and effective training session:

1. Choose The Right Platform

Select a platform that is user-friendly, reliable, and offers features that support interactive learning such as breakout rooms, polling, and chat functions. 

Ensure that participants are familiar with the platform beforehand and that they have the necessary equipment such as a webcam, microphone, and stable internet connection.

2. Engage Participants

Keep participants engaged and motivated throughout the training session by using a variety of interactive techniques such as quizzes, polls, and discussions. 

Encourage participation from all participants and use icebreakers to create a positive learning environment.

3. Plan For Breaks

It can be tiring, so plan for breaks throughout the session to allow participants to stretch and take a mental break. 

This can also help to improve their focus and retention of the material.

4. Keep It Simple

Avoid overloading participants with too much information at once. Break the training into manageable segments and provide clear instructions and expectations. 

Use visuals and examples to illustrate concepts and make the material easier to understand.

5. Follow Up

After the training session, provide participants with a summary of the material covered and any resources they can refer to for additional learning. 

Follow up with participants to ensure that they have understood the material and can apply it in their work.

Overall, it requires careful planning and execution to ensure that it is effective and engaging. 

By following virtual event best practices, trainers can create a positive and productive learning experience for their participants.

Importance Of Virtual Training Sessions

Virtual training sessions have become increasingly important in the current work environment, where remote work is more prevalent than ever before. 

Here are some reasons why virtual training sessions are important:

1. Flexibility

They allow participants to join from anywhere with an internet connection, providing greater flexibility in terms of scheduling and location.

2. Cost-Effective

They are typically more cost-effective than in-person training as they eliminate the need for travel and accommodation expenses.

3. Time-Saving

They can be shorter in duration than in-person training sessions while still providing the same level of information, making them a more efficient use of time.

4. Customization

They can be tailored to meet the specific needs of participants, allowing trainers to create more personalized learning experiences.

5. Interactivity

They can be highly interactive and engaging, with features like breakout rooms, quizzes, and polls.

6. Consistency

They offer a consistent learning experience for participants, regardless of their location or time zone.

Overall, virtual training offers a convenient, cost-effective, and engaging way for employees to learn and develop new skills, making them an important aspect of modern workplace training programs.

Train Your Employees With Oreed

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  • Our all-in-one platform empowers you to gain a comprehensive understanding of your employees, so you can better gauge their unique training needs. 
  • With Oreed, you'll enjoy tailor-made training and courses specifically designed to fit your organization's specific requirements. 
  • And, thanks to our cutting-edge impact assessment feature, you can measure the effectiveness of your training and courses with ease. 
  • Say goodbye to generic, one-size-fits-all training programs and hello to a more personalized and effective approach to workplace learning with Oreed!

So what are you waiting for? If you are planning to host an online event, book a demo with Oreed today and get a walk of all our features.

Promote lifelong learning through Oreed by experiencing the most powerful all-in-one training and development intelligent platform that streamlines all your organization's learning, training, and development activities in one place.

Final Thoughts

Virtual instructor led training offers numerous benefits that can enhance the learning experience and drive productivity. 

It allows for greater flexibility and accessibility, as learners can participate from anywhere with an internet connection. 

It also offers opportunities for collaboration and interaction, allowing learners to engage with the material and each other in real time. 

Additionally, it provides a cost-effective solution, eliminating the need for travel and reducing overhead expenses. 

Overall, by adopting virtual instructor led training, organizations can improve the effectiveness of their training programs and better prepare their employees for success.


1. What are the benefits of a virtual trainer?

Virtual trainers bring a range of benefits to training programs. 

Firstly, they offer flexibility in terms of time and location. 

With training virtually, learners can access training materials from anywhere, and at any time, without having to travel to a physical location. 

Secondly, virtual trainers can provide personalized training to meet the specific needs of individual learners, allowing for a more tailored approach to training. 

Thirdly, virtual trainers can incorporate a range of multimedia tools to enhance the learning experience, such as videos, interactive quizzes, and webinars. This makes the training more engaging and memorable. 

Additionally, it can help save costs associated with travel, accommodation, and venue rental, making it a more cost-effective solution for organizations. 

Finally, virtual trainers can track learners' progress and offer ongoing support, making it easier to identify knowledge gaps and provide additional support where needed. 

Overall, virtual trainers offer a range of benefits that can help organizations deliver more effective and efficient training programs.

2. What are the main benefits of working with virtual teams?

The main benefits of working with virtual teams include increased flexibility and accessibility, cost savings, access to a wider pool of talent, improved work-life balance, and increased productivity and efficiency through the use of technology. 

Virtual teams can also reduce geographic and cultural barriers, and provide opportunities for collaboration and innovation.

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