A Beginner's Guide To Promoting A Webinar

Webinars have become an increasingly popular way to share information and connect with people all over the world. 

But what would have happened if there were no webinars?

Without webinars, we would miss out on a lot of great opportunities to learn and grow. 

We would be less connected to others and have fewer opportunities to share our ideas and knowledge. 

The world would be a little bit smaller without this powerful tool.

According to a survey, 76% of those who attended webinars reached additional leads and 49% of them reached their target audience. 

This shows how webinars are the next big thing.

Undoubtedly, Promoting a webinar is almost as important as hosting one. 

Looking for how to go about promoting a webinar? You are at the right place.

In this article, you will find all that you need to know about promoting a webinar and more. 

What Are Webinars?

A group call on a tablet

A webinar is a type of online seminar or meeting that is usually conducted over the internet using video conferencing software. 

Many people use webinars to share information or give presentations, but they can also be used for things like panel discussions, training sessions, and product demonstrations.

Webinars are usually held in real time, which means that participants can interact with each other and the presenter(s) in real-time. 

This makes them a great way to get questions answered or learn more about a topic from experts. 

They can also be recorded and watched at a later time, which makes them a valuable resource for people who cannot attend the live event.

Importance Of Promoting A Webinar

a smartphone connected to headphones

Webinars have become an increasingly popular marketing tool in recent years, and for good reason. 

They allow businesses to reach a wide audience with minimal effort and expense and can be highly effective in promoting products or services.

There are a number of reasons why promoting a webinar is important for businesses. 

1. Wider Audience

First, they provide businesses with an opportunity to reach a large audience with minimal effort. 

A single webinar can reach thousands of people around the world, which would be difficult and expensive to do through other marketing channels. 

2. Interactive

Second, webinars are interactive, which allows businesses to engage with their audience in a more personal way than other forms of marketing. 

This interaction can help build trust and rapport between the business and its potential customers. 

3. Record And Reuse

Finally, webinars can be recorded and reused, meaning that the initial investment in creating a webinar can continue to pay dividends long into the future.

For all these reasons, it is clear that webinars are an important part of any business's marketing strategy. 

If you are not already using webinars to promote your business, now is the time to start!

How To Promote A Webinar For Beginners

A woman with headphones using a laptop

Here’s a complete guide on how to promote a webinar for beginners.

1.  Go For Email Promotion

Are you looking for ways to promote a webinar? If so, email promotion can be a great option. Email promotion can help you reach a large audience with minimal effort. 

Plus, it can be a cost-effective way to reach potential attendees.

When promoting a webinar via email, there are a few things to keep in mind. 

Engaging Subject Line

First, make sure to create an engaging and eye-catching subject line. This will help ensure that your email stands out in recipients' inboxes. 

Include All Relevant Information

Additionally, be sure to include all the relevant information about your webinar in the body of your email. 

This includes the date, time, and topic of your webinar. 

Provide A CTA

Finally, provide a call-to-action (CTA) for recipients to register for your webinar. 

A CTA could be something like "Click here to register."

By following these tips, you can maximize the number of people who attend your webinar. 

Email promotion is a great way to reach a wide audience with minimal effort. 

So if you're looking for ways to promote your upcoming webinar, consider using email marketing!

2. Use Landing Page For Promotion

one of the best ways to do it is through landing page promotion. 

Landing pages are highly effective at driving conversions, and they can be a great way to get people interested in your upcoming webinar.

Add All Relevant Details

When creating a landing page for your webinar’s promotion, be sure to include all the relevant details about the event. 

This includes the date, time, topic, speakers, and any other relevant information. 

You should also include a form where people can sign up for the webinar.

Optimize The Landing Page

Make sure your landing page is optimized for conversion by including a strong call-to-action and using persuasive language. 

You want to make it as easy as possible for people to sign up for your webinar.

Promote The Landing Page

Once you have created your landing page, promote it through your email list, social media channels, and any other channels you have available. 

Driving traffic to your landing page is essential for generating interest in your upcoming webinar.

3. Leverage Social Media

Nowadays, social media is one of the most popular and effective ways to promote anything - including a webinar. 

By creating a strong social media campaign, you can reach a large number of potential attendees and get them interested in your event.

Create An Event Page

To start webinar promotions on social media, you should first create a dedicated event page on Facebook. 

This is where you will share all the information about your upcoming webinar, such as the date, time, topic, speakers, etc. 

Be sure to make the event page attractive and informative, so that people will actually want to attend your event.

Share It With Your Audience

Once you have created the event page, it's time to start sharing it with your audience. 

You can do this by posting about it on your personal profile or business page, as well as through groups and forums that are relevant to your topic. 

If you have a large following on social media, you can also use paid advertising to promote your webinar to an even wider audience.

Things To Keep In Mind

When promoting a webinar using social media, there are a few key things to keep in mind. 

  • First, make sure you're using hashtags and tagging relevant accounts in your posts - this will help increase the visibility of your event. 
  • Second, create engaging content that will encourage people to sign up for your webinar. 
  • Third, use visuals where possible - images and videos are more likely to be shared than plain text posts. 
  • Finally, consider running ads on social media platforms like Facebook or Instagram - this can help reach a wider audience with your promotional message.

With a bit of effort and creativity, you can easily promote your webinar using social media and reach a large number of potential attendees.

4. Go For Paid Media

When it comes to promoting a webinar, paid media can be a great way to reach your target audience. 

There are a number of different platforms that you can use to promote your webinar, and each has its own benefits.


For example, Facebook is a great platform for targeting specific demographics with your ads. 

You can also use retargeting on Facebook to reach people who have already visited your website or shown an interest in your brand.


LinkedIn is another excellent platform for webinar promotions. 

LinkedIn allows you to target professionals in specific industries, and you can also use LinkedIn ads to target people who have visited your website or engaged with your brand in the past.

Google Adwords

Finally, Google AdWords is a great way to reach people who are searching for keywords related to your webinar topic. 

You can use AdWords to target people specifically interested in the topic of your webinar and drive them to register for the event.

Host Your Webinar With Oreed

Are you looking for a platform to host your upcoming webinar? Oreed is one of the best options available out there.

Host your webinar with Oreed’s all-in-one event management platform where you can find all event management capabilities on one platform. 

1. Better Customer Understanding

With Oreed, you can have a 360-degree level of understanding of your customers.

You can have all the data about them including the events they have attended in the last month, quarter, or year.

This will in turn enhance attendance rates and engagement for your future events as you will better understand the audience you are catering to. 

2. Registration Made Easy

What might stand between your webinar and your customers is the extra effort they have to make to register for a webinar.

Oreed has made it easier to register for a webinar. Not only will your customers be able to register online but we will also facilitate them with digital payments.

3. Gamification Features

Moreover, Oreed's gamification features are the perfect way to make your events more engaging. 

By incorporating these elements into your event, you can add an extra layer of excitement and competition that will get your guests involved and engaged. 

Oreed offers a wide range of gamification features that can be customized to fit your event, so you can create the perfect experience for your guests. 

With us, you can make your events more fun and interactive than ever before.

Book a demo with Oreed today to find out more about what we have to offer.

Promote lifelong learning through Oreed by experiencing the most powerful all-in-one training and development intelligent platform that streamlines all your organization's learning, training, and development activities in one place.

Final Thoughts

By following the tips mentioned above, you should have no problem getting people excited about your upcoming webinar. 

Just remember to stay organized, focused, and creative, and you'll be well on your way to success!


1. How do you encourage people to attend a webinar?

There are many ways to encourage people to attend a webinar. 

  • The most important thing is to make sure that the topic of the webinar is something that would interest them. 
  • It is also important to market the webinar well and get the word out there about it. 
  • Additionally, providing incentives for attending the webinar can also be helpful in getting people to register. 
  • Some examples of incentives include giving away free products or offering discounts on future products. 
  • Finally, it is also important to make sure that the webinar itself is high quality and informative so that people will want to attend future ones.

2. What are the 4 marketing channels for promoting a webinar?

There are four marketing channels that can be used to promote a webinar: email, social media, paid advertising, and organic search.

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