Corporate Compliance Training: 12 Best Practices

Imagine a world where businesses need a kind of superhero training to follow rules. Without this special training, companies risk breaking laws, and that's bad news. They could end up paying big fines, like a super-expensive penalty that hurts their money and reputation.

But it's not just about companies; it's also about the everyday heroes working in these places. They might not know all the rules they need to follow, and by accident, they could do something against the law.

That's where corporate compliance training, comes in. It's like a guidebook that shows companies how to follow the rules, and it helps employees understand their jobs in keeping everything legal.

What Is Compliance Training?

Corporate compliance training is designed to help employees understand and comply with the laws, regulations, and ethical standards that apply to their jobs. 

What Does It Cover?

It covers a wide range of topics, including anti-corruption laws, anti-trust laws, data privacy laws, insider trading laws, and healthcare fraud laws. 

In addition to general legal concepts, corporate compliance training also covers specific company policies on these topics. 

For example, a company's anti-corruption policy may prohibit giving or accepting gifts or payments that could influence business decisions.

A company's data privacy policy may set forth strict rules about how employee data can be collected, used, and stored.

Under Saudi Law, penalties  for non-compliance are categorized into two main groups: specific and general. The details of these penalties are as follows:

Specific Penalties

Imprisonment for a duration of up to two years and/or a fine not exceeding SAR 3 million (approximately USD 800,000) for individuals who disclose or publish sensitive personal data with the intention of causing harm to a data subject or for personal gain.

General Penalties

Violations of the Law not falling under the specific category may result in either a warning or a fine, which could go up to SAR 5 million (around USD 1.3 million).

The Goal 

The goal of employee compliance training is to ensure that employees are aware of the legal and ethical standards that apply to their jobs and that they know how to comply with these standards. 

The idea behind compliance officer training this training is to ensure that employees know how to identify and report potential violations of the law or company policy and to help prevent such violations from occurring in the first place.

Benefits of Compliance Training Programs

Employee Compliance training programs can have a number of benefits for businesses and organizations. 

1. Reduce The Risk Of Costly Penalties

Organizations face an ever-growing number of compliance risks. 

These risks can result in costly penalties, which is why it's important to have a training program for compliance in place. 

A good compliance training program will help employees understand the organization's compliance requirements and how to comply with them. 

It will also provide employees with the skills they need to identify and report potential compliance problems. 

2. Prevent Misconduct

These training programs are designed to help organizations prevent misconduct. 

By providing employees with the knowledge and tools they need to identify and report potential wrongdoing, these programs can help create a culture of compliance within a company. 

Additionally, it can help individuals avoid personal liability by ensuring that they understand the laws and regulations relevant to their work. 

When choosing a compliance program, it is important to consider the needs of your organization and the specific industry in which you operate. 

Tailoring the HR employee compliance training for employees to your company's unique circumstances will help ensure that it is effective in preventing misconduct.

3. Stay Up-To-Date With Changing Laws And Regulations

Additionally, HR compliance training for employees can help organizations keep up with changing laws and regulations, ensuring that their employees are always up-to-date on the latest requirements.

It's important for businesses to stay up-to-date with changing laws and regulations, and one way to do that is through compliance programs. 

These compliance officer training programs can help employees learn about new rules and requirements, and how to comply with them. 

They can also provide a way for businesses to keep track of employee compliance. 

The programs can be offered in-person or online, and they can be customized to fit the needs of your business. 

Modules Of Corporate Compliance Training

corporate compliance training topics

Let’s have a look at the different modules of training for corporate compliance.

1. Anti Harassment Training

Organizations are increasingly incorporating anti-harassment training into their compliance programs. 

This is in recognition of the fact that harassment can have a negative impact on employee morale, productivity, and even legal liability.

Compliance training partners typically cover topics such as what constitutes harassment, how to report it, and how to prevent it. 

It can be delivered in a variety of formats, including online compliance courses, live workshops, and self-paced learning modules.

Many organizations choose to make anti-harassment training mandatory for all employees. 

This ensures that everyone understands the policy and knows how to report any incidents they witness or experience.

Making anti-harassment training part of your organization's compliance program shows a commitment to creating a respectful and productive workplace for all employees.

2. Anti Corruption Training

Anti-corruption training as training for compliance is an important part of ensuring that businesses operate ethically and within the law. 

It can help employees to identify and report potential instances of corruption, and also provides guidance on how to avoid becoming involved in corrupt practices.

Corruption is a serious problem that can have damaging consequences for both businesses and individuals. 

It can lead to financial losses, damage to reputation, and even criminal charges. 

That's why it's essential that employees are aware of the risks and know how to avoid them.

Anti-corruption training is delivered by employee compliance training partners in a variety of formats, including online courses, face-to-face workshops, and e-learning modules. 

It's important to choose a format that will best suit your needs and the needs of your employees. 

For example, if you have a large workforce spread across different locations, compliance course may be the most practical option.

Whatever format you choose, make sure that the content is relevant and up-to-date. 

The last thing you want is for your employees to be learning outdated information or techniques that could put them at risk.

3. Inclusion And Diversity Training

Inclusion and diversity training is often thought of as training for compliance, but it can be so much more. 

When done well, inclusion and diversity training can help employees learn about and understand different cultures, backgrounds, and perspectives. 

This understanding can lead to improved communication and collaboration within a workplace. 

Additionally, inclusion and diversity training can help build a foundation for an equitable and inclusive workplace culture.

When done poorly, however, inclusion and diversity training can be nothing more than a check-the-box exercise. 

In these cases, the training may be perfunctory and fail to address the underlying issues of inequality and bias in the workplace. 

As a result, employees may leave the training feeling resentful or even more frustrated than before. 

It is important for compliance training partners to to ensure that inclusion and diversity training is thoughtful and comprehensive in order to avoid these negative outcomes.

4. Business Ethics Training

Having a set of well defined business ethics and code of conduct are paramount for any business. To have a set of ethical guidelines and rules for dealing with misconduct set as a guiding principle for any sort of misdemeanor. 

Think of it as a kind of moral compass for your organization. These guidelines should clearly explain what constitutes corruption and cheating within your company. 

They should also address those tricky situations where it's not entirely clear what's right or wrong and deal with conflicts of interest.

In Saudi Arabia, the Labor Law is all about fairness, job security, and making sure people have stable work. It's also about keeping things peaceful and seeking people's rights. That's why having a code of conduct and strong business ethics is really important.

When a company has clear rules about how everyone should behave and does the right thing, it makes the workplace a better place. It not only helps people feel more secure in their jobs but also creates a friendly and professional atmosphere. 

And when everyone is on the same page, it helps everyone do their job better and keeps society stable.

When it comes to ethics and making sure everyone follows the rules, your training programs should include teaching your employees how to assess risks, ways to report any wrongdoing safely (we call it whistleblowing), and setting up systems to make sure everyone is accountable. 

Plus, it's important to have a process for handling those grey situations where it's not black or white.

5. Workplace Safety Training

Safety at work is something everyone should be aware of, no matter where they work. Even in a regular office, there are basic safety rules that everyone should know. It's like knowing what to do in case of an emergency.

According to the Saudi Arabia Ministry of Labor, here are some important facts about workplace safety training in the country:

In 2021, there were 75,000 workplace accidents reported, and sadly, these accidents led to the loss of 1,500 lives.

Out of those 75,000 accidents, around 60% were due to human errors, about 20% were caused by equipment failures, and the remaining 20% were the result of various other factors. It's a stark reminder of the importance of safety training and awareness in our workplaces.

So, in addition to doing your regular job, it's good to learn some first aid basics. 

You never know when you might need it. And, if something unexpected happens at work, it's important to know how to respond. It's all about keeping everyone safe and sound.

6. Cybersecurity Training

company compliance training: cybersecurity

In the year 2021, the Saudi Electricity Company (SEC) experienced a cyberattack that had serious consequences. It actually resulted in power outages in various parts of the country.

This cyberattack was attributed to a group that goes by the name of Cutting Edge. They are known for targeting important infrastructure, which made the situation even more concerning.

When it comes to keeping our digital world safe, it's important to understand both cybersecurity and data protection & privacy. 

They do have some similarities, but in proper corporate compliance training, we make sure to explain the differences clearly.

In these training programs, employees learn how to handle the increasing amount of sensitive or confidential information. 

They also discover ways to safeguard people's identities and personal data. It's all about ensuring we're responsible and secure when handling information in our digital age.

Now, it's important to remember that corporate cybersecurity training should be customized to suit your organization's specific needs. 

Let’s take an example, if your company handles a lot of customer data, you'll want to focus more on data security. And don't forget, cyber threats keep evolving, so your training should stay up-to-date to stay effective.

Here are a few extra tips to make your cybersecurity training really work:

  • Make it engaging and interactive
  • Share real-world examples to show the actual risks of cyberattacks
  • Tailor the training to fit your organization's unique requirements
  • Get everyone on board, from top executives to your everyday employees
  • Keep the training fresh and updated to tackle the latest cybersecurity threats

Corporate Compliance Training Best Practices

When it comes to corporate compliance training, adopting best practices is key to ensuring effectiveness and success.

Here are some simple yet impactful best practices to consider:

1. Customize Training Content

Tailor the training content to your company's specific industry, policies, and regulations. Make it relevant to your employees' daily tasks and challenges.

2. Engaging and Interactive Formats

Use interactive methods such as quizzes, case studies, and simulations. This keeps employees actively involved and helps them retain information better.

3. Regular Updates

Laws and regulations can change. Keep your training materials up-to-date to reflect the latest compliance requirements. Regularly review and revise content as needed.

4. Accessible and User-Friendly Platforms

Ensure that the training platform is user-friendly and accessible to all employees. Consider mobile-friendly options to accommodate various learning styles and preferences.

5. Clear Communication

Clearly communicate the importance of compliance to employees. Emphasize how it aligns with the company's values and goals. Transparency fosters a culture of compliance.

6. Management Support

Gain support from top-level management. When leaders prioritize and actively participate in compliance training, it sends a strong message throughout the organization.

7. Scenario-Based Learning

Incorporate real-life scenarios and examples relevant to your industry. This helps employees understand the practical applications of compliance in their day-to-day work.

8. Continuous Training

Make compliance training an ongoing process rather than a one-time event. Regular refreshers and updates help reinforce key concepts and keep employees informed about any changes.

9. Feedback Mechanism

Establish a system for employees to provide feedback on the training program. This can help identify areas for improvement and gauge the effectiveness of the training.

10. Consequences and Rewards

Clearly communicate the consequences of non-compliance, but also recognize and reward employees who consistently adhere to compliance standards. Positive reinforcement encourages a culture of compliance.

11. Multilingual Support

If your workforce is diverse, consider offering training materials in multiple languages to ensure that all employees can understand and engage with the content.

12. Data Security

If your training involves sensitive information, ensure that the training platform adheres to robust data security measures. Protecting sensitive data is crucial in compliance training.

Train Your Employees With Oreed

organizational compliance training

If you're looking for a platform to train your employees that is both effective and efficient, you should definitely check out Oreed.

With Oreed, you can have a 360-degree awareness of your employees.

This would help you gauge and better understand their training needs.

The information you will help you in reaching evidence-based decisions regarding future training/courses.

Not only this but we will also facilitate you with tailor-made training and compliance courses.

Moreover, you can measure the impact and effectiveness of your training/courses.

Promote lifelong learning through Oreed by experiencing the most powerful all-in-one training and development intelligent platform that streamlines all your organization's learning, training, and development activities in one place.

So what are you waiting for? Book a demo with Oreed today for a compliance course and change the way you learn. 

Final Thoughts

When it comes to corporate compliance training, there are a few things to keep in mind. 

First and foremost, training for compliance is an important part of any company's risk management strategy. 

Additionally, it can help to foster a culture of ethical behavior within an organization. 

Finally, it's important to keep in mind that it is an ongoing process; companies should regularly review and update their compliance programs to ensure that they are keeping up with changing regulations.


1. What is corporate compliance?

Corporate compliance refers to the set of policies, procedures, and guidelines that a company has in place to ensure that it is adhering to all applicable laws and regulations. 

It is the responsibility of the company's management to develop and maintain an effective compliance program.

2. What are the 3 main pillars of compliance?

The 3 main pillars of compliance are

  • People.
  • Policies.
  • Technical Enforcement.

3. What is compliance officer training?

Those wanting to work as a company's compliance official can attend a specialized educational program in order to become certified in the field. These corporate regulators serve an important role for firms: ensuring that the organization remains compliant with applicable laws, industry standards, and internal regulations. Therefore, they are tasked with guaranteeing that the business operates by all necessary guidelines.

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