How Can Universities Benefit From Using Virtual Event Platforms


Long before the pandemic, universities had already jumped the bandwagon of hosting virtual university events to lower the carbon footprint that each physical event had on the environment. 

But it was during the pandemic universities had to change their teaching methodologies, and the in-person activities and close communication with students that are quintessential to the university experience moved to the wayside.

The good news is that this isn't how things have to be, as now the positives of virtual university events have outweighed the negatives. Open days, housing fairs, career fairs, and alumni reunions were held online by many institutions due to the advantages of more accessibility and reduced expenses. 

Universities that hadn't already gone digital switched over when the pandemic struck in 2020. There has been a steady rise in virtual university events ever since.

Some universities already had a strong online presence, but the majority were forced to radically rethink how they deliver education, interact with students, engage in virtual cultural events for college students and provide critical services.

As a result, educational actors rely greatly on robust technology to adapt to and facilitate virtual interactions. Here are some of the benefits that make sponsoring a virtual university event worthwhile:

Why should universities use virtual event platforms?

 Universities Virtual Event Platforms

In the current day and age, technology has become intertwined with every aspect of our lives. As a result, it should come as no surprise that virtual event platforms have become increasingly popular in recent years. 

For universities, virtual event platforms offer a number of advantages. First and foremost, they provide a way to reach a larger audience by making events accessible to anyone with an internet connection. 

Additionally, virtual event platforms can save universities money on costs such as venue rental and catering. Finally, virtual event platforms offer a more flexible format that can be adapted to suit the needs of any given event. 

Universities have many opportunities to benefit from using virtual event platforms. By hosting events online, universities can reach a larger audience, promote their brand, and create engagement with potential and current students. 

Additionally, virtual events provide an excellent way for universities to connect with alumni and other supporters. 

Whether it’s hosting a guest speaker or organizing a career fair, virtual event platforms offer a versatile solution for universities.

In this blog post, we'll explore the ways in which universities can take advantage of virtual events and how they can benefit from doing so.

Are Virtual Conferences For University Events Worth It?

 Universities Virtual Event Platforms

Universities are always looking for new and innovative ways to connect with their students, staff, and the community. One option that has been gaining in popularity is virtual conferences for university events. 

While this technology offers many advantages, there are also a few things to consider before deciding if it is the right choice for your school.


Universities and colleges are increasingly turning to virtual event platforms to host their events and conferences. There are many benefits to using these platforms, but one of the most important is accessibility. 

Virtual event platforms make it easy for people with disabilities to participate in events and conferences. With just a few clicks, they can join in on the conversation, no matter where they are in the world. This means that everyone, regardless of ability, can take part in university events and conferences. 

In addition, virtual event platforms also make it easier for universities to reach a wider audience. By hosting their events online, they can open up their events to people who might not be able to physically attend. 

This helps to promote inclusivity and diversity on campus. Ultimately, using virtual event platforms is a win-win for universities and their attendees.

Oreed strives to provide the finest possible service to its clients. Our custom development services include everything from bespoke event planning and execution to post-event analysis.  

Global Attendance 

In the age of the internet, more and more people are finding ways to attend events from the comfort of their own homes. For universities, this can be a great way to increase global attendance at lectures and seminars. 

By using a virtual event platform, universities can reach a wider audience and give people from all over the world the opportunity to participate in their events. Additionally, virtual event platforms provide a more flexible and affordable option for universities than traditional in-person events. 

They allow universities to save on costs such as travel and accommodation, and they also make it easier for people with busy schedules to attend events.

As the world becomes increasingly connected, virtual event platforms will become an increasingly popular option for universities looking to reach a global audience.

Cost Savings

In recent years, universities have been under increasing pressure to cut costs. With budgets tightening, many schools are looking for ways to save money. One area where virtual event platforms can help is in reducing travel expenses. 

Rather than sending representatives to attend conferences and events in person, universities can now participate remotely. This can provide a significant cost saving, as well as free up time for staff and faculty members who would otherwise have to travel. 

In addition, virtual event platforms offer a number of other benefits for universities. They provide a convenient way for schools to connect with their alumni, showcase their research and programs, and increase their visibility on a global stage. 

As the world increasingly goes digital, virtual event platforms offer an affordable and efficient way for universities to stay connected.

Branding Opportunities

When it comes to promoting their brand, universities have a lot of competition. Not only do they need to attract students, but they also need to stand out from the hundreds of other colleges and universities vying for attention. 

One way that universities can gain an edge is by using virtual event platforms to host events and connect with students and alumni. Virtual event platforms offer a number of branding opportunities for universities. 

For example, they can use the platform to showcase their campus, promote their programs, and share their story with a wider audience. In addition, virtual event platforms provide a unique way to connect with potential students and build relationships with them. 

By hosting events on a virtual event platform, universities can reach a larger audience, build their brand, and create lasting relationships with their community.

During an event, the Oreed platform gives the optimal level of visibility to all sponsors and companies involved. Oreed can create a bespoke campus that accurately represents your institution if you're merely a university or college.

Greater Engagement

When it comes to planning university events, virtual event platforms offer a number of advantages over traditional in-person gatherings. For one, they allow for greater engagement with attendees. 

With a virtual platform, attendees can easily move between different sessions and interact with speakers and other attendees in real-time. This interactivity can help to create a more engaging and dynamic event. 

Additionally, virtual event platforms offer a wider reach than in-person events, as they can be attended by anyone with an internet connection. This can be especially beneficial for universities that wish to attract a global audience.

Finally, virtual event platforms are often more cost-effective than in-person events, as they eliminate the need for costly venue rentals and other associated expenses. For all these reasons, virtual event platforms are an increasingly popular choice for university events.

Integrated Reports

A virtual event platform lets you create an engaging and interactive experience for your attendees that is Integrated Reports. 

This feature of a virtual event platform quickly gives you the data you need to generate reports on audience engagement and demographics. The results are easy-to-digest information that will help you make decisions on how to improve your next virtual or in-person event. 

The benefits of using a virtual event platform don’t stop there. Ultimately, a virtual event platform will save you time and money while still delivering a high-quality experience for your attendees.

Oreed solution's dynamic and strong backend lets you download comprehensive and integrated reports about an educational event in XLS format.

Access to Data Insights

 Universities Virtual Event Platforms

In addition to the ease, accessibility, and participation that virtual university events bring, they also allow for measurement. With physical events, it's impossible to assess audience interaction and track event data. The use of virtual university events enables this to be accomplished.

Access to data insights is one of the key benefits of using virtual event platforms for universities. Virtual event platforms provide universities with the ability to track who is attending their events, how long they are staying, and what parts of the event they are most interested in. 

This information can be used to improve future events and ensure that they are tailored to the needs and interests of attendees. In addition, by understanding which topics are of most interest to attendees, universities can ensure that their events are always relevant and engaging. 

Ultimately, access to data insights is one of the key benefits of using virtual event platforms for universities.

Better Feedback Collection

In the past, universities would have to rely on surveys or questionnaires that were often filled out by only a small percentage of students. 

With virtual event platforms, universities can now collect feedback from a larger number of students in real-time. This is because virtual event platforms allow students to leave feedback during or after the event. 

This means that universities can quickly identify areas that need improvement and make changes accordingly. As a result, using virtual event platforms is an essential way for universities to collect better feedback from their students.

Virtual events are a great way to organize an event without the hassle of finding space. This can be especially helpful if you want feedback on what worked well or where things could have gone better from those who were attending your gathering, such as coworkers! 

The virtual platform allows for this seamlessly because users submit information about their experience after each session through interpreting its input - giving everyone involved access both individually while also being able to share any insights they uncover together too


Virtual events are an excellent way for universities to showcase their campus life. They provide prospective students with the knowledge they need in order to make educated decisions about where they want to spend four years of study and what type of program best suits them before applying!

A virtual open day provides opportunities that would otherwise be inaccessible-such as networking sessions between attendees who share common interests or meetings held behind closed doors so no one feels left out when it comes time apply an early decision later this fall--but only if there's been enough preparation done beforehand.

Oreed is focused on creating an online event management platform that will remove the headaches associated with physical events, allowing organizers and exhibitors to focus their efforts solely on engaging audiences.

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