The Importance of Video Communication in Leadership Success


The success of any business is directly linked to the leadership’s ability to communicate. The  importance of communication in leadership has been a hot topic of discussion lately.

According to a research study from the Economist Intelligence Unit, inadequate communication often leads to lost sales, low employee morale, and missed key performance goals. Another research study found that  A separate study conducted by the Association for Talent Development found that poor communication, on average, has cost $64 million annually. Whereas small and medium companies stand at a risk of losing $420,000 every year.

Communication is key — whether you are a leader or an employee. It's common for leaders to believe that communication skills are only important for the people directly under them, but communication skills are crucial across all levels of an organisation. The better you communicate, the more likely it is that your team will be successful. Therefore, the importance of communication in leadership can never be underestimated.

The rise of online leadership training in the post-Covid era has been a boon to many in need of professional development. In addition, these courses have also raised the profile of communication skills among leaders. But what exactly do we mean when we talk about effective communication? And how does it relate to leadership? Let's explore!

Importance of Communication in Leadership for Remote Working 

Remote meeting. woman working from home during coronavirus or covid-19 quarantine, remote office concept.

In today's business world, more and more companies are embracing remote working setups. While there are many advantages to this arrangement, it can also pose some challenges for leaders. 

One of the most important things for leaders to keep in mind in a remote working environment is the importance of communication. 

When employees are not physically present in the same space, it can be easy for them to feel isolated and disconnected from their team.  This is why it is essential for leaders to make a concerted effort to stay in touch with their team members and keep the lines of communication open. 

Whether it's through regular video conferences, group chat platforms or simply picking up the phone for a chat, staying in touch with your team is essential for maintaining a cohesive and productive workforce. 

So if you're leading a team in a remote working setup, don't forget the importance of communication!

Effective leadership includes effective communication.

Effective leadership is built on effective communication. The leader must communicate with employees, subordinates, colleagues, and stakeholders.

Effective communication is essential for building trust and making decisions effectively. It also helps make employees feel valued and builds a strong team that you can count on to get the job done. It makes your company look good as well by helping build a good reputation.

The 3 C’s of Effective Communication:

Effective communication requires a few key qualities:

  • Clarity – The best leaders know how to effectively communicate their vision, goals, and values to their followers.
  • Credibility – When leaders are clear about what they want and how they want to achieve it, they can create opportunities to build credibility.
  • Connection – A leader's credibility is essential in creating a connection with others, which ultimately builds trust and inspires others to accomplish tasks more efficiently. 

Here are three steps you can take to communicate more effectively:

  • The first step in effective communication is to know who you're talking to. Your audience may be a group or a single person, but regardless of how many people are listening, each person has their own unique perspective on things. You need to take that into account when you're speaking so that your words will make sense to them.
  • The next step is knowing what you're trying to say so that you can convey that effectively. You can't just blurt out what comes into your head; it has to be articulated in a way that makes sense and sounds good.
  • The last step is making sure the message gets from your brain through your mouth and out into the world. Some people are better at this than others, so if there's something stopping you from being an effective communicator, it might be useful to practice with someone who will give you unbiased feedback about how well you're communicating.

Your Employees Are Not Mind-readers

Communication is key to building trust with your employees. Your team members are not mind readers, and they can't be expected to know what you want or expect from them if you don't communicate with them directly. 

Communication helps leaders build trust by providing clear direction and expectations for their employees. It also allows for open communication between leaders and their teams, which encourages collaboration and supports creative problem-solving. 

Effective leadership requires effective communication skills. If a manager fails to communicate their expectations and goals, the company will suffer. 

Next time you communicate with your team, make sure they know:

  • What is expected of them?
  • What is expected of the company?
  • What is expected of their manager?
  • What is expected of their co-workers?

If you want to be a more effective leader, here are twelve key communication skills you can use to strengthen your ability to lead.

12 Effective Communication Skills for Leaders

Business team training listening meeting concept

1. Active Listening 

Communication isn't just about speaking; it's also about listening. Active listening is an essential skill for any leader because it allows you to really understand what others are saying and to build trust. 

When people feel like their voices are being heard, they're more likely to be open to your ideas and more likely to support you as a leader. So next time you're in a conversation, make sure you're really listening. It could make all the difference in your ability to communicate effectively.

Here are some ways how a leader can become a more active listener:

1) Have an open mind - When a leader has an open mind, he or she is willing to listen to new information and consider different points of view. An open mind allows a person to learn from those around him or her and to know when he or she might be wrong about something.

2) Be polite - A leader who wishes to be an active listener must be polite and non-judgmental. He or she needs to avoid making assumptions about what the other person is saying because assumptions can lead to inaccurate conclusions.

3) Focus on problem-solving - If you focus on problem-solving as you listen, you will learn more about the issue at hand rather than simply hearing someone's opinion on the matter. 

2. Bringing about transparency in communication

Transparency is key to building trust and respect, and it can go a long way in breaking down the communication barrier. 

When leaders are open and honest with their team, they create an environment where everyone feels comfortable sharing their ideas and concerns. As a result, the team is able to work together more effectively and efficiently. 

Furthermore, transparency allows leaders to get feedback from their team and make necessary adjustments to their plans. 

Here are three ways how can a leader bring more transparency in communication:

  • First of all, you should think about how much information is too much for your employees to handle. Don't overload them with unnecessary data as it may only confuse them.
  •  Secondly, make sure that everyone is on the same page when it comes to company goals, expectations and standards. For example, if there is a new policy or system implemented in the company, inform everyone about it because otherwise, people will start talking about what's happening around them without knowing all the facts. 
  • Thirdly, listen to feedback from the team. When the team feels heard, it adds to the trust overall. Moreover, it’s a chance for you to judge whether you succeeded in communicating the intended message effectively. 

In short, the importance of communication in leadership cannot be understated, and transparency is a critical component of effective communication.

3. Bringing more clarity and less confusion

Leaders must be clear communicators in order to effectively lead their team. Without clarity, there is confusion and uncertainty which can lead to mistrust and a lack of respect. 

Whether you're communicating with your team or with other stakeholders, it's essential that your message is clear and concise. Unfortunately, many leaders fall into the trap of using jargon or unnecessarily complicated language. 

This can lead to confusion and frustration and ultimately damage your credibility as a leader. So how can you bring more clarity to your communication? 

  • First, it's important to be aware of your audience. Make sure that you're using language that they will understand.
  • Second, keep your messages simple and direct. Don't try to pack too much information into one communication.
  • Finally, don't be afraid to ask for feedback. If people are unclear about your message, they'll be more than happy to let you know. 

By following these simple tips, you can ensure that your communication is clear, concise, and effective.

4. Adaptive Communication Style

To be an effective leader, it is essential to be a good communicator. This means being able to adapt your communication style to suit your audience and purpose. 

For example, when addressing a large group, you need to speak clearly and concisely so that everyone can understand you. However, when having a one-on-one conversation with someone, you can be more informal and open. 

The ability to adapt your communication style is key to being an effective leader. Leaders who cannot communicate effectively will find it difficult to get their point across and persuade people to follow them. Good communication is the foundation of good leadership.

Here are three steps to follow when trying to build an adaptive style of communication:

  1. Gather information about the other person's communication style;
  2. Find out what your own preferred communication style is;
  3. Make adjustments to your own preferred style to match the other person's preferred style of communicating.

5. Developing Empathy

Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of another person. It is an essential quality for effective leadership. 

In order to be an effective leader, you need to be able to put yourself in other people's shoes and understand their point of view. Only then can you truly communicate with them and build a rapport. 

Furthermore, when people feel understood and valued, they are more likely to trust and respect you as a leader. Therefore, empathy is not only helpful in becoming a more effective leader, but it is also essential.

In order to develop empathy as a leader, here are some steps you can take:

  • Get to know your employees.
  • Develop self-awareness by getting feedback on how people feel about you.
  • Remove any biases that might be affecting your decisions about a situation (whether negative or positive)
  • Interact with your team in a way that helps you understand their point of view.
  • Identify what it is you want to be more empathetic about.
  •  Identify the people around you who could provide some insight into this topic or situation, and make a list of them.

6. Asking Open-Ended Questions

One way to ensure that you are communicating effectively is to ask open-ended questions. Open-ended questions encourage others to share their thoughts and ideas, and they also show that you are interested in hearing what others have to say. 

Asking questions also allows you to gather information and get to know the people you are leading. When you take the time to listen to others, you build trust and respect. Open communication is essential for effective leadership, so make sure to ask plenty of questions.

Here are the three most common types of open-ended questions:

1) Clarifying Questions: These will help you clarify what people mean when they say something that isn't clear. For example: "So what you're telling me is…" or "You think I should…" These will help your conversation go more smoothly.

2) Information-Seeking Questions: This will help to narrow down exactly what you want to know based on the answers you get from clarifying questions. For example: "How did that make you feel?" or "What could I do differently?" You'll be able to get a better idea of what's going on in your employee's head if you ask them these types of questions.

3) Reflective Questions: Use these to let your employees know that you understand their point of view. For example: "You seem to be saying that…" or "I hear you saying that…" These will also help to keep the trust between you and your team.

How video conferencing tools facilitate leadership communication skills 

In today's business world, team communication and collaboration are essential for success. Online video platforms can help to facilitate this by providing a convenient and user-friendly way for team members to stay connected, thereby enhancing leadership communication skills.

Video conferencing allows employees to hold virtual meetings, no matter where they are located. This can be a great way to share ideas and brainstorm solutions to problems. In addition, online video platforms can be used to create training videos or presentations. This can be an effective way to provide employees with the information they need in a format that is easy to digest.

By taking advantage of the features offered by online video platforms, businesses can ensure that team communication and collaboration are always a top priority.

Here’s how Oreed can help enhance communication of leadership

People communicating via social media

As more and more businesses move online, the need for effective conferencing platforms has never been greater. Oreed is one such platform that offers a variety of features to help teams communicate and collaborate more effectively.

Oreed provides users with the ability to create and manage virtual meeting rooms, share documents and presentations, and record meetings for future reference. 

In addition, Oreed also offers a number of integrations with popular productivity tools, making it even easier for teams to get work done. Best of all, Oreed is offered at a very competitive price point, making it an affordable option for businesses of all sizes.

If you're looking for an online conferencing platform that can help take your business to the next level, Oreed is definitely worth considering.

Schedule a demo today and find out more!

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