Benefits Of Video Conferencing In Business


Are you looking for ways to improve your business? If so, you should consider using video conferencing. Video conferencing can help you save time and money, while also improving communication within your company. There are several benefits of video conferencing in business for you to reap.

In this blog post, we will discuss the benefits of video conferencing in business. We will also provide tips on how to get started with video conferencing. So, if you are interested in learning more about this topic, keep reading!

Why Video Conferencing in Business?

video conferencing in business

Video conferencing has really taken off in the past few years. With the rise of mobile and cloud technology, businesses have been able to incorporate video conferencing into their daily operations.The countless benefits of video conferencing in business have led to to the rising popularity of this technology.

Here are some of the reasons why video conferencing is becoming so popular:


Video conferencing allows employees from different locations to interact with each other as if they were in the same room. This eliminates the need for travel, which saves money and time. Employees can also participate on their own schedule rather than at a designated meeting time.

Using a video conferencing app allows you to work from anywhere in the world. No longer do you need to be tied down by your desk; you can work from home or at a coffee shop


 Video conferencing makes it easy for teams to collaborate more effectively by allowing multiple people to share information simultaneously. 

This supports better decision-making and faster project completion times since team members don't have to wait until later meetings or email exchanges to learn what others are working on or thinking about related issues. 

In addition, video calls can be recorded so that everyone can refer back to them later if necessary — no more lost emails!


With video conferencing, you can keep an eye on remote employees while they're away from your office — something that's not possible with traditional phone calls alone (unless you have advanced features like call recording). This helps ensure their safety

Importance of video conferencing in business

video conferencing

Video conferencing is an essential tool for businesses. It allows companies to connect with remote employees, customers and partners in real-time.

Video conferencing has become more popular than ever before. In fact, the video conferencing market is expected to grow by more than $150 billion by 2024.

Video conferencing allows you to interact with others as if they were in the same room as you. The technology behind it has improved dramatically over the years to allow us to see each other clearly and understand each other's words.

Purposes of Video Conferencing:

Pertaining to the numerous benefits of video conferencing in business,  its use is becoming more of a norm with every passing day. It’s also becoming increasingly popular among employees who want more flexibility in choosing where they work and with whom they collaborate.

Video conferencing can be used for a variety of different purposes:

Meetings — Video conferencing allows you to meet with colleagues or clients from anywhere in the world while maintaining eye contact and body language. This helps build rapport and trust between people who may not have met before.

Telecommuting — If your team members are spread out across multiple locations, video conferencing allows them to work remotely without sacrificing productivity or communication. This means that your employees will have less downtime between tasks, which results in higher levels of productivity overall!

Training — Video conferencing also makes training easier because instructors can explain concepts using both written notes as well as body language cues via screen sharing capabilities

Customer service — Customers who prefer video conferences often find them more convenient than telephone calls or email exchanges. This allows them to spend more time learning about products or services that might interest them, so they're less likely to call back later with questions about things they've already covered during the initial call.

What Technologies Are Used in Video Conferencing?

video conferencing technologies

Video conferencing includes a variety of technologies, each with its own set of advantages and disadvantages.

There are two main categories of video conferencing: desktop video conferencing and web-based video conferencing. Each has its own set of strengths and weaknesses and different costs associated with them.

Desktop Video Conferencing Software

Desktop video conferencing software allows you to connect one computer to others via the internet. It's fast, reliable and easy to use — but it can be expensive when trying to connect multiple people at once. 

The software often requires additional equipment such as cameras and microphones in order for it to work properly; this equipment may need to be purchased separately or rented from the vendor providing the service. 

Also, if there are technical problems with the computer being used for the conference call, the entire call could become unusable until those issues are resolved by an expert technician or IT professional.

Web-Based Video Conferencing Services

Web-based video conferencing is a service that allows people to conduct conference calls over the Internet. Unlike traditional phone and video conferencing services, it does not require an expensive terminal or software installation.

The term "web conferencing" is often used interchangeably with web-based video conferencing. However, web conferencing is typically used to describe more general applications that allow users to share documents and other files via the Web rather than just conducting audio and video calls.

Web-based video conferencing services are generally offered by companies that also provide other types of business communications services such as telephone and email. These companies provide both hardware and software for their customers to use in order to make their communications easier and more accessible.

Video Conferencing with Oreed

video conferencing oreed

Web conferencing services such as Oreed allow you to host webinars or hold online meetings with multiple participants on just about any browser-supported platform (including mobile devices). 

Moreover, it offers HD video quality and teleconferencing features such as call screening, breakout rooms and audio-only options for those who don't have access to video capabilities.

5 Reasons Why Your Company Needs to Embrace Video Conferencing

Video conferencing has evolved from being a novelty to a necessity. Here are five reasons why your company needs to embrace video conferencing:

1. Better communication

The ability to see and hear each other during meetings helps promote better communication between colleagues who are separated by distance. This leads to better understanding, increased collaboration and improved decision-making.

Video conferencing can help save time and money by eliminating the need for travel. It can also provide a more personal and intimate form of communication than voice-only calls, as body language and facial expressions can be seen and used to interpret meaning. 

Additionally, video conferencing can help build rapport and trust between parties, as it allows for nonverbal cues, such as eye contact, to be made. Overall, video conferencing is a beneficial technology that can improve communication in a variety of ways.

2. Faster decisions

Video conferencing allows teams to quickly come together via videoconference, discuss an issue at hand, make a decision and move on with their workday—all without leaving their offices or cubicles! Employees can spend less time travelling back-and-forth between locations, which saves time and money for both companies and employees alike.

As a result, video conferencing can help to make decisions faster and more efficiently. In today's fast-paced business world, that can be a major competitive advantage.

3. More productive employees

In today's business world, time is of the essence. More and more businesses are looking for ways to improve productivity and cut costs. One way to do this is by using video conferencing

Employees who frequently travel may find themselves feeling out of touch with what is going on at work while they are away from their office desks. Video conferencing enables them to stay connected with their team members back at base.

Video conferencing allows employees to collaborate on projects in real-time, regardless of their location. This can be a huge time-saver, as it eliminates the need for travel. In addition, video conferencing can help to reduce communication barriers, such as language barriers. With video conferencing, employees can see and hear each other, making it easier to understand each other. 

As a result, video conferencing can help to improve productivity by allowing employees to collaborate on projects in real-time, regardless of their location.

4. Improved business agility

Video conferencing helps companies respond faster to changing conditions in their environments because it enables them to keep their teams connected and working together regardless of location or time zone differences. 

This means they have better information about what's happening with their customers and competitors, which leads to better decision-making capabilities than if they were separated from each other by distance or time zones only.

Therefore, video conferencing helps businesses stay agile by enabling them to connect with colleagues, clients and suppliers from anywhere at any time. Companies can respond faster to changes in the market or customer needs, leading to improved customer service levels, increased sales and better outcomes for all parties involved.

5. Environment-friendly

Video conferencing is environment friendly; it reduces carbon footprint

With video conferencing, you are reducing the number of people travelling to a meeting. This is going to result in less fuel consumption and hence, reduce your carbon footprint. Video conferencing is also a great way to cut down on greenhouse gas emissions as well as other pollutants.

It can also help you cut back on paper waste by providing an alternative to traditional business meetings.


The benefits of video conferencing in business are clear. It’s more efficient, it saves time and money, and it allows for better communication. If you haven’t already started using video conferencing in your business, now is the time to get on board. 

At Oreed, we offer top-of-the-line video conference services that will make your meetings run smoothly and efficiently. Arranging a video conference is now easier than ever. Our team will work with you to ensure that your next meeting goes off without a hitch. 

Contact us today to get started!

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